Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Shepherd’s Crook Coffee special?

Some may not realize that coffee is one of the most heavily-sprayed crops, so I only source beans that are grown using organic practices. The air roaster I use produces a less acidic, smoother cup of coffee. And roasting in micro batches means that I can focus on consistently delivering maximum quality. You have my “never a bitter bean” guarantee.

Where do you get your beans?

I partner with a couple of different importers who have direct trade relationships with farmers. I work with these importers to source premium quality, fair trade organic beans.

Is your coffee flavored?

No. As we like to say, great coffee needs no disguise. The subtle “notes” are natural and vary based on the climate and soil where the bean is grown.

What is the best way to store coffee?

Your worst enemies are air, light and moisture. The bags I use are ideal for storage as long as you make sure the zip top stays sealed. If you have to transfer from my bag to another container, use an airtight, opaque container. Also, always keep at room temperature.

What is the “shelf life” of roasted beans?

Ideally, whole beans should be used within 4-6 weeks to enjoy them at their best!

Why should I buy whole bean instead of pre-ground coffee?

Coffee loses most of its natural flavor within 20-30 minutes of grinding. That’s why we encourage our customers to invest in their own at-home grinder - to extend the life of the bean, maximizing freshness in every cup!

Here are a couple of our un-biased recommendations:

  • Good: SHARDOR Electric Burr Coffee Grinder

  • Better: SHARDOR Conical Burr Coffee Grinder

  • Best: Capresso Infinity Plus Commercial Burr Grinder

While there are many options and price points out there, I would say you will be happiest with a conical burr grinder.

Please feel free to contact me if you need additional help!